
Finding Destinations (#481)

General Information

Manufacturer and model Steyr A680G
Name Biber Christoph
Country Österreich
Year of manufacture 1969
For sale? no


Engine type WD 610R
Cubic capacity 5976 cm3
Number of cylinders 6
Horsepower 120 PS
Torque 2800 U/min


4x2, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8 4x4
Wheel base 3,20m
Number of seats 5
Tyre size 10,00 - 20
Rim size Triflex 7,50 - 20
Tank capacity 120L
Diesel filter no
Permanent or manually selectable 4-wheel drive zuschaltbar
Diff locks 2


Number of beds 2
Windows 5
Der Aufbau befindet sich zur Zeit noch unter Konstruktion und wird laufend aktualisiert.

Refrigerator; cool box

Manufacturer and type of fridge / cooler SnoMaster BD/C-82

Power supply

Voltage in the chassis 24V
Voltage in the cabin 24V / 230V
110V / 230V in the cabin? no
Inverter Victron Multiplus C24/2000

Capacity of batteries in the cabin

Capacity of batteries in the cabin 230 Ah
Battery type Banner EnergyBull
Battery charger for cabin batteries Victron Multiplus C/24/2000
Battery management Victron BMV 700

Power generation

Solar capacity 540 Wp
Solar controller Victron MPPT 100/15
Fuel cell no

Heating system

Manufacturer and type of heating system Windysmithy Wendy
Die Heizung erfolgt durch einen englischen Schiffsofen der mit Festbrennstoffen betrieben wird
released 26.03.17 
owner Daria Winkler 
views 10348 
filled out 58% 
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