
Sven Bönickes Fahrzeug

General Information

Manufacturer and model Mercedes Benz 609d
Name Sven Bönicke
Country Deutschland
Year of manufacture 1992
For sale? no


Engine type OM 364
Cubic capacity 3973 ccm
Number of cylinders 4
Horsepower 90
Torque 266 Nm / 1400 U / min


4x2, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8 4x2
Number of seats 2
Tyre size 225 / 75 R16
Rim size MB 6694000002
Type of tyre M+S
Tank capacity 70l
Diesel filter no


Number of beds 2


Material of furniture Eigenbau

Cooking stove

Power supply

Voltage in the cabin 230V und 24V
110V / 230V in the cabin? yes
Inverter 24V-230V

Capacity of batteries in the cabin

Capacity of batteries in the cabin 2x 12V 100Ah
Battery type bei Fremdeinspeisung 230V - 24V Batterieladung

Heating system

Manufacturer and type of heating system Dieselheizung Webasto
Warm water processing Keine
Cab heating Original Mercedes Benz

Gas system

Explanation of gas system
5 kg Flasche

Water system

Water filtration system WM aquatec Silvertex Vlies 100
Capacity of fresh water tank(s) 60l
Capacity of waste water tank(s) 25l


Manufacturer and type of toilet Enders

Vehicle accessories

Roof rack Eigenbau
Outside cooking facilities Eigenbau
released 28.03.16 
owner Sven Bönicke 
views 18018 
filled out 56% 
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