

Transformation vom THW LKW zum Fernreisemobil

General Information

Manufacturer and model Iveco 90 -16 AW
Name Sandra & Thomas
Country Deutschland
Year of manufacture 1986 und 2016
For sale? no
Asking price? mit Geld nicht zu bezahlen...


Engine type BF6L913 6 Zylinder Turbo Diesel Luftgekühlt
Cubic capacity 6128
Number of cylinders 6
Horsepower 160
Torque 557 Nm
Ablastung auf 7.49 Tonnen GG ohne technische Änderung, abfahrbereites Gewicht ca. 6.45 Tonnen


4x2, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8 4 x 4
Wheel base 3650
Number of seats 9
Tyre size 9R 22,5
Rim size Stahl
Type of tyre Winterbereifung
Tank capacity z.Zt. 130 Liter + 40 L Reserve
Diesel filter yes
Permanent or manually selectable 4-wheel drive permanent
Diff locks Mitte + Heck


Manufacturer of the cabin Eigenbau
Inner dimensions (LxWxH) 2850 x 2450 x 1950
Outer dimensions (LxWxH) 2995 x 2550 x 2050
Cabin material Stahl / Aluminium
Kind and thickness of insulation 40 mm
Number of beds 2
Windows 4

Floor plan

Explanation of floor plan
Wohn-Esszimmer in der Fahrerkabine, Küche, Bad und Schlafzimmer im Aufbau


Material of furniture Möbelholz

Cooking stove

Cooking stove 2 Flammen Gas
Gas installation 11 Kg Flasche, 2 Flasche optional

Refrigerator; cool box

Manufacturer and type of fridge / cooler 24 Volt Kühlbox + 220 V/12 V/Gas Absorber

Power supply

Voltage in the chassis 24 Volt
Voltage in the cabin 12 Volt / 24 Volt / 220 Volt
Charging converter 24V-12V 2 x 30 Ah
110V / 230V in the cabin? yes

Capacity of batteries in the cabin

Capacity of batteries in the cabin 144 AH
Battery type 2 mal 72 AH Vließ
Battery charger for cabin batteries Ja
Battery management Ja

Power generation

Solar capacity 3 x 80 W / 12 V in Reihe auf Dachträger montiert
Solar controller Victron MPPT 75/15
Fuel cell no
Power generator nein

Heating system

Manufacturer and type of heating system Webasto Evo 40
Warm water processing in Arbeit
Cab heating Fahrzeugheizung + Webasto Ev0 40

Gas system

Explanation of gas system
11 Kg Gas Flasche, zweite optional

Water system

water flow Druckschlauch warm / kalt
Water filtration system in Planung
Capacity of fresh water tank(s) 72 Liter
Capacity of waste water tank(s) 42 Liter


Manufacturer and type of toilet Trocken Trenntoilette
Capacity of black water tank Beutel

Vehicle accessories

Rear carrier Fahrradträger
Roof rack Dachträger mit Dachspoiler und Solar
Storage boxes 2 am Fahrzeugheck
Outside cooking facilities Außenanschluss Gas
Awning Sonnensegel
released 25.02.19 
owner Thomas 
views 10431 
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