
IVECO Magirus 4x4 Overlander (#3215)

IVECO Magirus 4x4 Overlander (Aufbau/Ausbau LF 8/6 in ExMo durch St. Lehnert, Magdeburg, 5/2020-6/2021, weiterer Ausbau ab 9/2021 durch uns)

General Information

Manufacturer and model IVECO Magirus 95 E 18W Eurofire
Name Dr. Karsten & Stephani Goltermann
Year of manufacture 1994
For sale? no


Engine type 95 E 18 W, 8060.25 TC
Cubic capacity 5861
Number of cylinders 6 Reihe, 4 Takt-Diesel, direkt Einspritzer
Horsepower 177
Torque 560Nm
Overdrivegetriebe 2855.6, 6-Gang Schaltg. mit Untersetzung,
Thermo-Teufel, elektr. 230 V Motor-Vorwärmung


4x2, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8 4x4
Wheel base 3,70 m
Number of seats 5
Tyre size 385/65 R 22.5
Rim size 11,75x22,5 8 Loch
Type of tyre AT Michelin XZY-3 160K
Tank capacity 200 Haupttank + 70 Zusatztank
Diesel filter no
abgelastet 7,49 to GG
Permanent or manually selectable 4-wheel drive permanent
Diff locks Hinten, Mittel- , Vorn und Untersetzung


Manufacturer of the cabin FA-KA Zerbst GmbH
Inner dimensions (LxWxH) 3488x2294x1970
Outer dimensions (LxWxH) 3699x2400x2079
Cabin material GFK
Kind and thickness of insulation GFK Foam 45 mm, Boden ISO 72 mm
Number of beds 2 in Aufbau, 2 in Doka
Windows 4 + Dachfenster Bad
Subframe federgelagerter ZR
Bayernluft, Lüftungsgerät mit Wärmetauscher 12 V

Floor plan

Explanation of floor plan
ehemaliges LF 8/6 Allrad, Gruppenkabine, FF Herne


Material of furniture Leichbau, melaninbeschichtetes Pappelsperrholz

Cooking stove

Cooking stove EB-GK2-TC Glaskeramik Doppel-Kochfeld Domino 230 V
Gas installation DS Camping Gaskocher 1 Flammig, Gaskartuschenkocher

Refrigerator; cool box

Manufacturer and type of fridge / cooler Absorber KB6 Kombi Typ E 12 V, Schoepf KS 1101, 73 l KF/8 l GF
+ Engel MR040F Kühlbox in Doka

Power supply

Voltage in the chassis 24 V
Voltage in the cabin 12 V und 230 V
Charging converter 24V-12V Votronic VCC 2412-45 IUoU-Li
110V / 230V in the cabin? yes
Inverter nein
Ladeberät Starterbatterien LEAB

Capacity of batteries in the cabin

Capacity of batteries in the cabin 240AH
Battery type AGM 12 V
Battery charger for cabin batteries Votronic Pb 1230 SMT 2B- 12 V

Power generation

Solar capacity 200 W klappbar mobil,
Solar controller BlueSolar MPPT 75/15 Solarladeregler 12/24V 15A
Fuel cell no
Power generator Zipper ZI-STE2000IV Stromerzeuger Inverter 2000 Watt 2x230V 1xUSB, mobil

Heating system

Manufacturer and type of heating system Autotherm Air 4D + 750 - 1250 W 230 V Konvektor
Warm water processing Elgena Boiler KB 6 Combi, 12V/200W, 230V/660W
Cab heating China Dieselheizung 6 kw, IVECO Fahrzeugheizung, 750 W 230 V Konvektor
Doka mit Waeco Klimaanlage CoolAir SP 950

Water system

water flow Eigenbau
Water filtration system kein
Capacity of fresh water tank(s) 80 l + 10 l
Capacity of waste water tank(s) 70 l


Manufacturer and type of toilet Thetford Cassettentoilette C263-CS
Capacity of black water tank 17,5 l

Vehicle accessories

Rear carrier elektr. absenkbarer Fahradträger BR Systems Bike-Lift
Roof rack kein
Storage boxes diverse
Outside cooking facilities DS-22, 2-flammig Gaskocher und Grill 5 kw mit Kartuschen
Awning Thule Omnisator 3600
Torklift Scherentreppe Glowstep Revolution 5 St.,
Video-Rückfahrkamera, permanent
released 15.02.23 
owner Dr. Karsten Goltermann 
views 31651 
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