Iveco Eurofire 135e22 wird zum Familien 4x4 Reisemobil umgebaut.
Manufacturer and model | Iveco Eurofire 135e22 4x4 |
Name | Oliver Heidinger |
Year of manufacture | 1995 |
For sale? | no |
Engine type | IVECO 8060.45L |
Cubic capacity | 5861 |
Number of cylinders | 6 |
Horsepower | 218 |
4x2, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8 | 4x4 |
Wheel base | 3910mm |
Number of seats | 9 |
Tyre size | 365/85R20 |
Rim size | Hutchinson |
Type of tyre | Michelin XZL |
Diesel filter | no |
Permanent or manually selectable 4-wheel drive | permanent |
Diff locks | 3 (Vorne, Mitte, Hinten) |
Manufacturer of the cabin | Noch in Planung |
Number of beds | 4 Geplant |
Explanation of floor plan | |
Noch in Planung |
Material of furniture | Noch in Planung |
Cooking stove | Doppel Induktionskochplatte |
Gas installation | kein Gas |
Manufacturer and type of fridge / cooler | Haushaltskühlschrank auf 230V (Beko TSE1284N - Tischkühlschrank mit 4-Sterne-Gefrierfach) |
Voltage in the chassis | 24V |
Voltage in the cabin | 24V |
Charging converter 24V-12V | Victron Orion-Tr DC/DC |
110V / 230V in the cabin? | yes |
Inverter | Victron Multiplus-II 24/3000 GX |
Capacity of batteries in the cabin | 280 AH |
Battery type | LiFePo4 |
Battery charger for cabin batteries | Victron Multiplus-II 24/3000 GX / Victron MPPT Laderegler / Victron Orion-Tr DC/DC Konverter |
Battery management | BMS -> Victron GX mittels dbus-serialbattery |
Solar capacity | 1640 Watt Peak |
Solar controller | Victron SmartSolar MPPT 100/50 |
Fuel cell | no |
Power generator | keinen |
Manufacturer and type of heating system | Tronitechnik® Reykir Inverter Split Klimaanlage |
Cab heating | Webasto |
Capacity of fresh water tank(s) | 110 Liter |
Capacity of waste water tank(s) | 110 Liter |
Manufacturer and type of toilet | Saniflo Compact Toilette -> Häcksler Toilette |
Capacity of black water tank | 110 Liter |