
Steffen Bickels Fahrzeug (#2361)

ehem. LF16 (ungekürztes FH) Magirus 120-23 mit GfK Kabine

General Information

Manufacturer and model Iveco Magirus 120-23
Name Steffen Bickel
Country Deutschland
Year of manufacture 1991
For sale? yes
Asking price? 150000


Engine type F8L513
Cubic capacity 13383
Number of cylinders 8
Horsepower 237
Torque 810


4x2, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8 4x4
Wheel base 3,75
Number of seats 8 eingetragen
Tyre size 14.00R20
Rim size Jantsa
Type of tyre Dunlop SP921
Tank capacity 2x290
Diesel filter yes
Reifendruckregelanlage Camper Bricks
beheizbarer Dieselfilter Separ 2000
Permanent or manually selectable 4-wheel drive permanent
Diff locks 2


Manufacturer of the cabin kein empfehlenswerter
Outer dimensions (LxWxH) 3,80x2,40x2,30
Cabin material GfK
Number of beds 1 fest (70x180) / 2 Van7 Hubbett (140x200)
Windows Dema-pro
Subframe Federrahmen

Floor plan


Ausführung Möbelbau durch

Cooking stove

Cooking stove Phönix Domino-WGL Wohnmobil Gaskochfeld
Gas installation 50l Gastank mit 10/8mm Stahlrohrleitungen, Cavagna Druckregler und Truma Aussensteckdose
Aussenkochstelle Cadac

Refrigerator; cool box

Manufacturer and type of fridge / cooler Amica (Belluna VKS15419W - 12 V)

Power supply

Voltage in the chassis 24V
Voltage in the cabin 12V
Charging converter 24V-12V Orion TR
110V / 230V in the cabin? yes
Inverter Victron Multiplus 12|1200|50
Lynx Verteiler mit Cerbo GX

Capacity of batteries in the cabin

Capacity of batteries in the cabin 2x160Ah
Battery type Victron LifePo4
Battery charger for cabin batteries CTek MXT14 24V
Battery management Victron Smart BMS und Lynx VE.Shunt

Power generation

Solar capacity 4x180Wp
Solar controller Victron MPPT75/15
Fuel cell no
Power generator keine
Landstom, Multiplus 12/1200/50, 2x Orion (24-12 & 12-24), Carasave Alarm

Heating system

Manufacturer and type of heating system Autoterm 2D
Warm water processing Pundmann 9l
Cab heating Serie Diesel-Luft

Gas system

Water system

water flow 10mm Lilie Gewebeschläuche
Water filtration system Albfilter
Capacity of fresh water tank(s) 2x155
Capacity of waste water tank(s) 120l - Original-Dieseltank
Seaflo Bilgepumpe, Mopeka Füllstandsensoren, AFT 4Stufenfilter UV-C


Manufacturer and type of toilet Eigenbau TTT mit Kildwick Einsatz
Capacity of black water tank 20

Vehicle accessories

Rear carrier NSBC Metal (PL)
Roof rack NSBC Metal (PL)
Storage boxes Zarges auf Dachgepäckträger
Outside cooking facilities Cadac
Awning keine - 24MX Faltpavillon
Blidimax black komplett
released 12.07.22 
owner Steffen 
views 9120 
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