
Helmut s Fahrzeug (#294)

Mein DüDo D407 mit OM 314 mit dem kurzen Radstand... Würde ihn evtl. gegen einen "Längeren" tauschen...

General Information

Manufacturer and model Mercedes Benz
Name Icke
Website -
Year of manufacture 1980
For sale? no
Asking price? evtl. Tausch gegen längere Version...


Engine type OM 314
Cubic capacity 3758
Number of cylinders 4
Horsepower 86
Torque -


4x2, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8 4x2
Wheel base kurz
Number of seats 6
Tyre size 6.00-16c10pr
Type of tyre Allwetter
Tank capacity 60
Diesel filter no
Permanent or manually selectable 4-wheel drive -
Diff locks -


Manufacturer of the cabin -
Inner dimensions (LxWxH) 3,00x1,85
Outer dimensions (LxWxH) 5x2
Cabin material Stahlblech
Kind and thickness of insulation Mineralfaser/Styrodur
Number of beds 2-3
Windows 4
Subframe -

Floor plan

Explanation of floor plan


Material of furniture Holz
Sehr individuelle und funktionale Ausstattung ohne technischen SchnickSchnack...

Cooking stove

Cooking stove Gas
Gas installation Schlauch
Aussenküche und kleiner Kocher im Innenbereich...

Refrigerator; cool box

Manufacturer and type of fridge / cooler Thermoelektrische Kühlbox

Power supply

Voltage in the chassis -
Voltage in the cabin -
Charging converter 24V-12V 12V/300W
110V / 230V in the cabin? no
Inverter -
Solaranlage in der Planung.

Capacity of batteries in the cabin

Capacity of batteries in the cabin -
Battery type -
Battery charger for cabin batteries -
Battery management -

Power generation

Solar capacity -
Solar controller -
Fuel cell no
Power generator Endress 600ccm
Solaranlage in Planung

Heating system

Manufacturer and type of heating system -
Warm water processing -
Cab heating Standardfahrzeugheizung

Gas system

Explanation of gas system

Water system

water flow -
Water filtration system -
Capacity of fresh water tank(s) -
Capacity of waste water tank(s) -


Manufacturer and type of toilet PortaPotti
Capacity of black water tank -

Vehicle accessories

Roof rack Ja 3 x 1,8m
Storage boxes Diverse Aluboxen
Outside cooking facilities Ja
Awning Ja
released 02.11.16 
owner Helmut  
views 14793 
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