

General Information

Manufacturer and model Mercedes 817 LN2
Name Alex
Country Deutschland
Year of manufacture Fahrgestell und Aufbau 1992 / Ausbau 2014
For sale? yes
Asking price? VHB


Engine type OM366A
Number of cylinders 6
Horsepower 170
Leistungssteigerung auf ca 220 PS durch Optimierung der Einspritzpumpe


4x2, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8 4x2
Number of seats 6
Tyre size 235/75R17,5
Rim size Stahl
Tank capacity 120 Liter
Diesel filter no
Diff locks Hinterachse


Outer dimensions (LxWxH) 7000 x 2500 x 3200 mm
Cabin material Aluminium / Stahl
Kind and thickness of insulation Armaflex, mehrlagig, voll Verklebt
Number of beds 2
Windows Seitz


Material of furniture Holz

Refrigerator; cool box

Manufacturer and type of fridge / cooler Waeco Cool Matic CR140

Power supply

Voltage in the chassis 24 Volt
Voltage in the cabin 12 Volt /24 Volt / 230 Volt
Charging converter 24V-12V 2. Lichtmaschine für die Ladung der 12 Volt Aufbaubatterien
110V / 230V in the cabin? yes
Inverter von 24 auf 230 V
Verkabelung in abgehängter Decke

Capacity of batteries in the cabin

Capacity of batteries in the cabin 4 x 125 Ah
Battery type Gel
Battery charger for cabin batteries Waeco 80 Amp

Heating system

Manufacturer and type of heating system Eberspächer Warmluft Dieselheizung

Water system

Capacity of fresh water tank(s) 300 Liter
Capacity of waste water tank(s) 50 Liter


Manufacturer and type of toilet Chemietoilette
released 21.01.17 
owner Alex Budde 
views 23552 
filled out 63% 
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