
Rüdigers Nordland-Taxi

Ein Buschtaxi soll Nordlandtauglich werden

General Information

Manufacturer and model Toyota Landcruiser HZJ 78
Name H. Rüdiger Förster
Year of manufacture 2001
For sale? no


Engine type Diesel
Cubic capacity 4164 cm³
Number of cylinders 6 Zylinder Reihe
Horsepower 130
Torque 285 Nm


4x2, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8 4 x 4
Wheel base 2980 mm
Number of seats 2
Tyre size 285 / 75 R16
Rim size 8 JJx16
Type of tyre BFG AT KO2
Tank capacity 225 l
Diesel filter yes
Permanent or manually selectable 4-wheel drive zuschaltbar
Diff locks zentral, hinten, vorne


Manufacturer of the cabin Aluminium-Sandwich Aufstelldach TOM's
Kind and thickness of insulation 20 - 40 mm X-Tremisolator (PE-Schaum)
Number of beds 2
Windows Seitz und GEBO


Material of furniture CaseMaker Aluminium-Profile, mit Holzfüllung

Cooking stove

Cooking stove Gaskocher 1 fl. mit Kartusche
Planung: Umrüstung auf Dieselkocher (Wallas...)

Refrigerator; cool box

Manufacturer and type of fridge / cooler ENGEL Kühl-/Gefrierbox MT-45-F

Power supply

Voltage in the chassis 12 V
Voltage in the cabin 12 V
110V / 230V in the cabin? yes
Inverter Mastervolt (250 VA)

Capacity of batteries in the cabin

Capacity of batteries in the cabin 70 Ah
Battery type AGM
Battery charger for cabin batteries Lichtmaschine /
Battery management IBS

Power generation

Solar capacity Solar 2 x 100 Wp
Solar controller Votronic mpp 250 Duo Dig
Fuel cell yes
Power generator EFOY Brennstoffzelle

Heating system

Manufacturer and type of heating system Webasto Diesel
Warm water processing keine
Cab heating keine

Gas system

Explanation of gas system

Water system

water flow Druckwasser mit Membranpumpe (Shurflo Trailking)
Water filtration system Seagull mit Vorfilter
Capacity of fresh water tank(s) 60 l
Capacity of waste water tank(s) 2 x 12 l Kanister
12 l Kanister als Wasserreserve


Manufacturer and type of toilet Thetford Porta Potti Cube
Capacity of black water tank 10 l

Vehicle accessories

Rear carrier nur Ersatzrad
Outside cooking facilities Kocher ist mobil
Awning in Planung
released 11.08.17 
owner H. Rüdiger Förster 
views 11955 
filled out 91% 
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