Die hier angezeigten Bilder und Informationen wurden von den Nutzern selbst hochgeladen. Die Nutzer sind selbst für die Inhalte verantwortlich.
Manufacturer and model | Mercedes Benz SK 1735 |
Name | Thorsten Schneider |
Year of manufacture | 1991 |
For sale? | no |
4x2, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8 | 4x4 |
Wheel base | 4,50 |
Number of seats | 3 |
Tyre size | 16.0 |
Rim size | Panzer Fuchs Felgen |
Type of tyre | Michelin XZL |
Tank capacity | 640 Liter |
Diesel filter | no |
Permanent or manually selectable 4-wheel drive | Permanent |
Diff locks | 3 |
Manufacturer of the cabin | Pecocar |
Inner dimensions (LxWxH) | 5,08 |
Outer dimensions (LxWxH) | 5,20 |
Cabin material | Gfk Sandwich |
Number of beds | 3 |
Windows | 4 |
Material of furniture | Dreischichtplatte Zirbe |
Cooking stove | Cam Gaskocher |
Manufacturer and type of fridge / cooler | Snowmaster |
Voltage in the chassis | 24 Volt |
Voltage in the cabin | 24 Volt 230 Volt |
110V / 230V in the cabin? | no |
Inverter | Victron |
Capacity of batteries in the cabin | 200 Ah 24 Volt |
Battery type | Victron |
Solar capacity | 720 Watt |
Fuel cell | no |
Manufacturer and type of heating system | Planar 2 D |
Warm water processing | Eigena Boiler |
Manufacturer and type of toilet | Naturhead |