
Mair Matthias s Fahrzeug (#614)

Ein VW LT 28 Bj 1976

General Information

Manufacturer and model VW LT28
Name Mair Matthias
Country Österreich
Year of manufacture 1976
For sale? no


Engine type Benzin
Number of cylinders 6
Horsepower 75


Number of seats 6
Diesel filter no


Inner dimensions (LxWxH) 180
Cabin material GFK und Metall
Kind and thickness of insulation 3cm und tellwolle
Number of beds 2
Windows 5

Power generation

Solar capacity 230 volt
Fuel cell no

Water system

Capacity of fresh water tank(s) 25
Capacity of waste water tank(s) 25


Manufacturer and type of toilet keine
released 31.07.17 
owner Mair Matthias  
views 10373 
filled out 30% 
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