
nico verdoess Fahrzeug (#228)

ich baue diese campervan diese winter. ich moechte durch ganz europa fahren

General Information

Manufacturer and model Volkswagen
Name nico verdoes
Country Niederlande
For sale? no


Engine type turbodiesel
Cubic capacity 2400 cc
Number of cylinders 6
Horsepower 105
Torque nb


4x2, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8 4x4
Wheel base nb
Number of seats 3
Tyre size 225/70/17.5
Type of tyre terrain
Tank capacity 100 liter
Diesel filter no
Permanent or manually selectable 4-wheel drive zuschaltbar
Diff locks 2


Manufacturer of the cabin nb
Inner dimensions (LxWxH) 5m x 2m
Number of beds 2
Windows 4


Material of furniture holz

Cooking stove

Cooking stove gas
Gas installation ja

Refrigerator; cool box

Manufacturer and type of fridge / cooler dometic compressor

Power supply

Voltage in the chassis 12v
Voltage in the cabin 12/220V
Charging converter 24V-12V nb
110V / 230V in the cabin? no

Capacity of batteries in the cabin

Capacity of batteries in the cabin 105 AH
Battery type gel
Battery charger for cabin batteries Victron

Power generation

Solar capacity 200 Wattt
Fuel cell no

Water system

Capacity of fresh water tank(s) 100ltr
Capacity of waste water tank(s) 40 ltr


Manufacturer and type of toilet portaputti
Capacity of black water tank 20

Vehicle accessories

Roof rack Iquinox
released 15.09.16 
owner nico verdoes 
views 12117 
filled out 63% 
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