
Wolfgang u. Veronika Leebs Fahrzeug (#193)

Wir haben uns entschlossen, selbst ein Wohnmobil zu bauen, weil wir nichts passendes gefunden haben (Preis/Qualität). Der Umbau hat ca. 2 Jahre gedauert und im Großen und Ganzen viel Spaß gemacht.

General Information

Manufacturer and model Fiat Ducato 250 L3H2
Name Wolfgang Leeb
Country Österreich
Year of manufacture 2008
For sale? no


Engine type SOFIM F1AE0481D
Cubic capacity 2287 cm3
Number of cylinders 4
Horsepower 120 PS (88 kW) bei 3600 U/min
Torque 320 Nm bei 2000 U/min


Wheel base 4035 mm
Number of seats 3 (2 Vorne, 1 Hinter)
Tank capacity 80L
Diesel filter yes


Inner dimensions (LxWxH) ca. L 3600 X B 1850 x H 1900
Kind and thickness of insulation Armaflex 30 - 50 mm
Number of beds 2,5
Windows 2

Floor plan


Material of furniture Pappelsperrholz furniert

Cooking stove

Cooking stove 2 Flammen Dometic
Gas installation 2 x 11 kg

Refrigerator; cool box

Manufacturer and type of fridge / cooler Dometic

Power supply

Voltage in the chassis 12 Volt
Voltage in the cabin 12 Volt
Charging converter 24V-12V CTEK D 250 S DUAL
110V / 230V in the cabin? yes

Capacity of batteries in the cabin

Capacity of batteries in the cabin 2x 92 Ah
Battery type Banner Running Bull AGM 59501
Battery charger for cabin batteries CTEK MXA 10
Battery management Eigenbau

Power generation

Solar capacity 140 WP
Solar controller CTEK D 250 S DUAL
Fuel cell no

Heating system

Manufacturer and type of heating system TRUMA COMBI 4 E

Water system

water flow Druckpumpe
Capacity of fresh water tank(s) 90 L
Capacity of waste water tank(s) 90 L


Manufacturer and type of toilet Dometic 8100 Series MasterFlush Zerhackertoilette
Fäkalien kommen in Abwassertank
released 18.07.16 
owner Wolfgang Leeb 
views 20235 
filled out 65% 
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